Tuesday, June 6, 2006


I came into this class knowing that I had a lot to learn. I was well aware of the fact that I had much to learn from the Professor, but did not realize how much I would learn from interacting with my classmates. This semester I have met many people who have helped me better understand who I am as an individual as well as the goals I hope to achieve in life.

I also tried to take advantage of the fact that we had so many talented speakers speak to the class about their profession and what it took to get where they are today. I even had the chance to speak with a few of the guests outside of the classroom.

With this being said, I believe that I still have much to learn. I want to work more closely with those in leadership such as editors, layout-designers, and photographers. I also want to have someone help me with my use of commas, semi-colons, and paragraph structure.

Overall I believe that I have become a more informed student and have been given many tools by which to become a better man. I have a better understanding of journalism and a greater appreciation for those who have made it into the business. There’s so much that I have yet to learn and so many people I have yet to learn from.

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