Saturday, July 7, 2007


This semester has been difficult for me. It has also been very exciting. I had to learn for the first time many things that I thought I already knew and understood. I had to listen to various positions on an array of issues that I am morally and philosophically opposed to. I struggled with frequent illnesses, had my first root canal, my wife gave birth to our second child, and my family converted to Catholicism. To top it off, I still maintained my position on WOCR and my weekend program on Access Vision in Battle Creek.

Unfortunately, I had to make various cutbacks. I was forced to step back from working as a staff writer for the Echo as well as working with OCTV. As hard as these decisions were to make, they had to be made. As a man, a student, a husband and a father, I am not as free as most others to dedicate a large portion of my time to various activities, regardless of how much I would prefer otherwise.

When all was said and done, I came out scathed, but a better man. While it was difficult - and even hurt at time - it was a semester well worth the trouble.

Thank God for Olivet College. I'm not at all sure I could have managed to make it through anywhere else.

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